Kurtz Ersa Magazine


The Future is in Iron!

Iron casting has been carried out at Kurtz Ersa since 1852 – an important core competence in the Group! With the opening of the SMART FOUNDRY in spring of 2015, iron casting at the Hasloch site has been secured for the future. Now, the Kurtz foundrymen are presenting a training programme which maps out the path of iron into the future.

In the coming year, Kurtz Eisenguss GmbH & Co. KG is rolling out its training programme on the company’s own apprenticeship and advanced training platform, the HAMMER ACADEMY. The central focus of the training courses will be on engineering with casting materials. The programme is aimed at staff of the Kurtz Ersa Group on the one hand, who are involved professionally with foundry technology, or are simply interested in the topic. On the other hand, the programme is also intended for customers of the foundry and for school and university students. To this end, Kurtz Eisenguss plans two sets of three course events for 2016. The aim is to show school pupils and students the manifold possibilities in the casting process in a clear and entertaining way. In addition, the event will point out possible apprenticeships and advanced training options offered by what is probably the worldwide most modern hand-mould foundry.

Iron Symposium at the Eisenhammer

Aimed specially at its customers, the SMART FOUNDRY is currently designing a one-and-a-half day symposium – this too under the title “Engineering with Casting Materials”. The main focus here will be on the structural properties of cast-iron materials and how they can best be exploited. An in-house exhibition is to be held within the framework of the event, rounded off with a visit to the historic Eisenhammer iron works and the Hammermuseum. Of course this also offers the opportunity to visit the SMART FOUNDRY, so that the know-how imparted in the course of instruction and the application in day-to-day business in the foundry fuse perfectly together.

You have questions on the instruction courses? Please contact our colleagues at Kurtz Eisenguss who can be reached by telephone under 09342 805-0 or by e-mail to Here too you will find out how to arrange an in-house session on the topic “Engineering of Casting Materials“. One way or the other: When it comes to iron casting, you should speak to your SMART FOUNDRY!


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