Kurtz Ersa Magazine

Extension Kurtz Zhuhai

Expansion of KZM factory in Zhuhai

The enormous success of the Ersa soldering machines produced in Zhuhai has led to the need to greatly expand production capacity. For this reason, shareholders and the Advisory Council have decided to significantly extend the “Kurtz Zhuhai Manufacturing” factory.

Full speed ahead: Construction phase 01 in Zhuhai

Phase 01 of construction is currently underway. The construction work is to be concluded at the end of March 2019. By then, 8,200 m² of production and office space will have come into being.

The KZM factory after completion of construction phase 01 in spring 2019

Picture 02: The KZM factory following completion of Phase 01 in spring 2019. Phase 02 is set to begin in 2021 and be concluded in 2022. Approximately 12,000 m² of production and office space will then be available and the production capacity secured for the planned growth of Kurtz Ersa in China.

Construction phase 02: This is what the KZM factory in Zhuhai looks like from 2022 onwards
Construction phase 02: This is what the KZM factory in Zhuhai looks like from 2022 onwards

Kurtz Ersa lays foundation stone for factory expansion in Zhuhai

Even before Supertaifun Mangkhut swept over the Kurtz Ersa production site in Zhuhai, part of the old factory buildings fell victim to the demolition excavators. The demolition was followed by the ground-breaking ceremony for a complex factory expansion before Chinese Golden Week, which will result in a quadrupling of the existing production area. The expansion became necessary because the previous factory had long since reached its production capacity. Last year more than 200 Ersa reflow systems and more than 100 Kurtz foam machines were produced in Zhuhai. In 2018, 400 machines will already be delivered. The signs are pointing to further growth in the future. Plans are also underway to produce even more Kurtz Ersa machines for the Asian market in Zhuhai.


Expansion in two construction phases

Due to the extremely positive business development and the excellent market acceptance of the “German designed – China made” machines, it was not difficult for the Kurtz Ersa management to give the green light for the expansion last year. The expansion will take place in two construction phases: In the first phase, a new four-storey building will be constructed on the site of the demolished machine hall and paint shop (completion May 2019; 6,000 m2 production capacity of up to 800 machines per year). The second expansion stage will include a further three-storey extension with an additional 3,500 m2 of office and production space (an additional 400–500 machines per year).


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