Kurtz Ersa Magazine


METAL + METALLURGY – Intelligent and Green

China has become the most important market for Kurtz Foundry Machines in recent years. Despite the declining economic situation, demand in China for castings, especially in the field of electromobility, continues to rise. This is also underlined by the fact that China is the country with the largest share of electric cars. Last year, for the first time, there were significantly more than one million electric vehicles. This corresponds to an increase of 64 percent compared to the previous year. All recent projects in China relate to lightweight construction for e-mobility.

Kurtz exhibit at the METAL + METALLURGY in Shanghai
Kurtz exhibit at the METAL + METALLURGY in Shanghai

It was therefore a matter of course to be on site in Shanghai again this year with a representative trade fair stand and a motivated international team. Once again, our Chinese colleagues designed a great stand that was all about e-mobility and lightweight construction. The focus was on two exhibits for pure electric vehicles – both cast in hollow casting with sand core on a Kurtz casting machine type AL 18-16 FSC in China. Both the cross beam and the subframe acted as a visitor magnet and attracted numerous visitors.


Asia´s largest casting metallurgical event

In total, the fair had 86,492 visitors and 1,180 exhibitors this time, making it the largest casting metallurgical event in Asia and the second largest in the world. In addition to the existing customer contacts, which were cultivated, some new contacts could also be made, numerous with applications for e-mobility. Interesting for Kurtz was also the visit of a prospective customer from Turkey, with whom concrete projects were discussed. “Lightweight construction in low pressure – Kurtz is now the first address for this application in Asia as well. We want to further expand this claim,” said Lothar Hartmann, Head of Kurtz Foundry Machinery Profit Center, at the end of the four days of the fair.


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