Kurtz Ersa Magazine

Hammerwein 2022

The “Lump from Escherndorf” becomes Hammer Wine!

The Kurtz Ersa HAMMERWEINprobe 2022 took place as always at the Eisenhammer – but this time not in the “Schwarzer Bock”. Because the number of invited guests was more than twice as high this year compared to previous wine tastings. But a new location was quickly found: the disused hall of the iron foundry, where the moulds for castings weighing up to eight tons each were prepared on large iron tables in the past.

Rainer Kurtz welcomes the participants of the HAMMERWEIN tasting
Rainer Kurtz welcomes the participants of the HAMMERWEIN tasting

This year´s event to determine the hammer wine took place in an impressively illuminated industrial ambience – high hall ceilings, heavy-duty cranes, sand mixers and foundry equipment, plus festively set tables. After being welcomed by former CEO Rainer Kurtz, Prof. Dr. Jochen Griesbach (Classical Archaeology at the University of Würzburg), Director of the Collection of Classical Antiquities at the Martin von Wagner Museum since the fall of 2014, took the participants on a journey into the imagery of the ancient Greeks with his keynote speech “United in Ecstasy!” beamed onto a large screen, the assembled wine lovers learned about the most diverse vessel forms of Greek ceramics – amphorae, jugs, hydrias and, above all, drinking vessels, artfully designed for even more wine and drinking enjoyment as well as pleasure in the sweet life.

Wine lecturer Andreas Koch in action
Wine lecturer Andreas Koch in action

Wine lecturer Andreas Koch from the Koch winegrowing family in Retzstadt then moderated the culinary tasting of the six nominated Franconian wines and the food served with them. All participants evaluated smell, taste and harmony of the presented wines. After counting all the voting cards, the Escherndorfer Lump Riesling S, Winery Horst Sauer, achieved the highest overall score in an environment dominated by fine wines. The live band UptoDate provided musical accompaniment to the HAMMERWEINprobe, at which the dance leg was shaken for the first time in a long time.


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