Last year, the Kurtz Ersa Magazine celebrated its 25th birthday. The first edition appeared in 1991 under the name “Kurtz Gesagt” with the title “Amerika”. Since then, the role of initiator, editor and responsible officer within the meaning of the German Press Law has been occupied by Walter Kurtz, who has quite literally written the success story of our periodical. He has been author, mentor, idea generator and motor of our magazine for customers and business associates.
With his characteristic very kindly approach, Walter Kurtz got one edition after the other ready for publication, always supported by a highly-motivated editorial team. Walter Kurtz made his distinctive mark on many an editorial meeting – innumerable anecdotes from those years could be reported, such as the convivial meal of trout from the Eisenhammer’s water channel, caught and grilled ourselves, or the outing to the Zillertal with the special Walteresque skiing course. In addition to Walter Kurtz’s enormous professional know-how, it is the example of these stories, in particular, that convey the corporate culture of Kurtz Ersa as it is lived out.
The Kurtz Ersa Magazine has long become firmly established in our corporate communication. The wealth of positive feedback shows us that we have got the concept right. Reports on special customer projects communicate the benefits of Kurtz Ersa products, in keeping with the corporate vision: “Our technological lead optimises our customers’ manufacturing processes. In recent years, this has been augmented with an online edition and more detailed information. With 10,000 copies dispatched in German and English, the Kurtz Ersa Magazine, which emerged as a start-up on 1991, had become a constant at Kurtz Ersa.
After a quarter century, Walter Kurtz is now handing over his “baby” into new hands. The management, the entire editorial team – in particular Tilo Keller as one of the founding members and Thomas Mühleck as “heir” to the responsibility for the Kurtz Ersa Magazine – thank Walter Kurtz most warmly for the most sensational of times!
Dear Walter – thank you very much
for your communicative engagement
and Glück auf!
New Kurtz Ersa Image Film
“And … action!” was the instruction from the film crew to be heard at all kinds of different locations at Kurtz Ersa in spring. The film team was out and about on a mission to produce the new Kurtz Ersa image film. With “speed” as a leitmotiv, the film shows what Kurtz Ersa stands for: innovation, drive and high-tech processes. With a range of scenes and fast editing sequences the clip shows in just over 2 minutes what it is that characterises Kurtz Ersa. Enjoy watching it!

In mid-March, the HAMMERWEIN 2017, was chosen on the Eisenhammer. For the 4th time, guests decided which of the six nominated wines achieved the greatest number of points in the categories bouquet, taste and harmony. The winner – and therefore, for the next year, holder of the title Kurtz Ersa HAMMERWEIN – was “DER BACCHUS”. Characteristics: old vines, dry, 2015 vintage from the vineyard Weingut Augustin, Sulzfeld.