After four great days at the fair, the productronica ended on 17 November. The 2017 edition of the world’s leading trade fair for development and production of electronics once again confirmed its status as a global innovation platform, enticing 20 per cent more visitors to in Munich with 1,200 exhibitors from 42 countries. System supplier Ersa was also pleased about outstanding attendance of the 500 m² trade fair stand, forming an ideal backdrop for technologically demanding discussions.
“Customers and interested parties who were very well prepared had specific tasks with them, for which we then find the solutions. The interest in our SMART TECHNOLOGIES, which dominated at least every other discussion, was very pleasing – and we are not talking of future possibilities, but of genuine options for realisation,” emphasised Rainer Krauss, Overall Head of Sales at Ersa. The dynamism of worldwide electronics production was noticeable in all areas – be it with the hand-held soldering tools only a few grams in weight or the fully grown high-end soldering system metres in length. “The productronica confirmed the positive growth forecast for the branch. The great interest in Smart Technologies shows that digitalisation has finally arrived in electronics production – it’s now a question of making use of the impetus,” said Rainer Kurtz, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the productronica and Kurtz Ersa CEO.
ERSASOFT: far-reaching possibilities of interlinking
Thanks to SMART TECHNOLOGIES, Ersa is perfectly prepared for using the chances of digitalisation connected with Industry 4.0 – the visitors to the Ersa stand were impressed, for example, by the possibilities of interlining the intuitive ERSASOFT 5 soldering software and the completely integrated CAD Assistant 4. As part of its extensive programme presentation, Ersa showed an automation solution with handling robot, and innovations such as the VERSAPRINT 2 stencil printer with four different models were a great hit and led to direct sales. It was the same picture with the technological leaders in selective soldering systems with modules such as VERSAFLEX and VERSAFLUX and in the HR 600 XL rework system for big boards, with which printed circuit boards up to 625 x 625 mm in size can be processed – in these dimensions, there is nothing comparable on the market.
International Ersa trade fair team
Despite digitalisation and SMART TECHNOLOGIES as the dominant topic at the productronica 2017, there were a number of orders by handshake, which were signed in an analog form on paper, like in the good old days. The great internationality of the customers and interested parties was faced by an Ersa trade fair team which was composed of all the branches and thus made optimum support possible. There was a great atmosphere at the stand party on the Thursday evening with live music, which splashed over from the Ersa fair team to customers and business friends. The Global SMT Award conferred at the productronica for the new POWERFLOW S full-tunnel wave soldering machine completed the totally successful appearance at the fair.
“Our leading motto SMART TECHNOLOGIES had an outstanding reaction with the customers – and a number of interested parties directly became new customers. After the productronica, we can look at a very good project situation and are more than confident of being able to extend our market position further – amongst other things with trade fair presentations at the NEPCON Japan and IPC APEX in the USA. Experience has shown that the Munich trade fair is a good indicator for the development of the next two years. At this point I would like to thank the entire Ersa team for their commitment and a really outstanding trade fair presentation,” said Ersa Overall Head of Sales Rainer Krauss at the end of the productronica.