Kurtz Ersa Magazine

It´s intuitive!

It´s intuitive – new KUI Machine Software

The increasing requirements on functionality and features of the machine software at Kurtz GmbH were only able to be implemented to a limited extent with the present system – in some cases this is no longer possible at all. For this reason, the “KUI” project was started at the beginning of the year.

Modular three-stage system structure

This is a standardised platform for visualisation and control software for particle foam and casting machines with an enhanced user concept, web technology independent of the terminal used, a backend system with high-level language programming and modular PLC structure. The three-stage system structure of the KUI is centred around the backend of the machine which communicates with the PLC and the visualisation. The high-level language backend with its databases includes functions such as the control service, recipe administration, user/plausibility management, PLC coupler and a standardised OPC-UA interface for data exchange with other machines or systems. Thanks to the high-level language programming, complex algorithms and thus smart software functions can now be implemented and visualised in a browser-based user interface.

New KUI: Easy handling, wizards for tool change and maintenance

The Kurtz developer team was able to demonstrate first new functions of the new intuitive KUI software to visitors on foaming and casting machines during this year’s in-house fair. Some of the highlights included offline recipe creation, the operation of machine functions using a mobile terminal and wizards for tool change and maintenance. The tool change wizard, for example, now guides set-up technicians through the tool change process step by step and thus prevents mistakes being made. Thanks to the offline recipe creation feature, the settings for a new product can be prepared while the machine is still busy with the current order. The prepared recipe can then be opened at the machine and production started immediately. Operation of machine functions via tablet, for example, allows larger systems to be set up and monitored using fewer staff.


Before the rollout of the next KUI machine generation in 2018, even more features will be implemented, making it easier for Kurtz GmbH customers to handle the machines and offering new possibilities.


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