Kurtz Ersa Magazine



Spectacular performance for Ersa at productronica

After four intensive days in Munich, productronica, the world´s most important trade fair for electronics production, came to an end on Friday. The 2019 edition of the trade fair underscored its claim to be the world´s leading trade fair with a significant increase in exhibitor numbers and exhibition space - more than 1,500 exhibitors from 44 countries presented their innovations for the production and development of electronics. In the end, 44,000 visitors from almost 100 countries came to the Bavarian state capital.


As the No. 1 system supplier, Ersa GmbH took up 600 square metres with its trade fair stand alone in order to be able to present its uniquely comprehensive range of products and services in an appropriate manner. “Even the generous 600 m2 were not enough to present all the innovations as exhibits. Therefore, the trade fair visitors had the additional opportunity to literally immerse themselves in our products in our Virtual Reality Studio,” said Rainer Krauss, a completely satisfied Ersa General Sales Manager.



Ersa at productronica: huge interest in the presented solutions
Ersa at productronica: huge interest in the presented solutions
Ersa TV productronica Day 01
Ersa TV productronica Day 02
Ersa TV productronica Day 03
Ersa TV productronica Day 04
globalPoint: leading supplier of measurement technology for all soldering processes, represented in Munich by Nico Zachmann (left) and Felix Bolg
globalPoint: leading supplier of measurement technology for soldering processes, represented in Munich by Nico Zachmann (l.) and Felix Bolg

Leading position in electronics production confirmed

Many visitors brought concrete questions with them to Munich, which had already been discussed further as a form of project at the trade fair stand. With the highlights presented - from the EXOS vacuum reflow soldering system to the VERSAFLOW selective soldering world, from automation solutions such as ROBOPLACE and SOLDER SMART soldering robots to the new family members of the rework family HR 500, HR 550 XL and HR 600/3P - Ersa once again confirmed its leading position in the electronics manufacturing industry. Also and especially in view of the increasing share of technology trends such as 5G mobile telephony, autonomous driving, e-mobility, robotics and automation, Ersa presented comprehensive solutions for innovative customers.

“Despite the tense overall economic situation, we expect Ersa and electronics production to continue to increase sales in view of the increasing need for digitization. Our presence here at productronica is impressive proof that our systems and products are at the pulse of electronics production and meet the needs of our customers all along the line - many thanks to our customers and interested parties for the fantastic response,” said Ersa Managing Director Ralph Knecht at the end of four highly intensive days at the trade fair. The evening before, the entire Ersa trade fair team had already celebrated the successful productronica appearance together with customers at the stand party with live music. At the moment, they are already working together again on the follow-up to the trade fair in order to transform the numerous enquiries into real projects.

At productronica in Munich, Ersa General Sales Manager Rainer Krauss (left) honored the English Ersa agency Blundell Production Equipment Ltd. for 25 years of successful cooperation - Blundell Area Sales Manager Keith Gummer Keith Gummer accepted congratu
At productronica in Munich, Ersa General Sales Manager Rainer Krauss (left) honored the English Ersa agency Blundell Production Equipment Ltd. for 25 years of successful cooperation - Blundell Area Sales Manager Keith Gummer Keith Gummer accepted congratulations

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