Kurtz GmbH focuses on Circular Economy
The Moulding Machines of Kurtz GmbH are facing massive technological changes – the markets in which the Kurtz divisions “Automotive” and “Protective Solutions” operate are subject to dramatic change and business is increasingly influenced by megatrends such as electromobility and lightweight construction. In addition, the corona pandemic has influenced business in these and many other sectors massively.

Automobile production and the registration of new vehicles in Europe are declining and, according to many experts, will not recover permanently. Important reasons: demographic change and an ageing population structure.
The plastics industry has also suffered massive declines or is experiencing dramatic slumps. This is also making itself painfully felt in particle foam machines. The plastics sector has to struggle with environmental and image reasons – one thinks of “plastic waste” in the sea, which damages the oceans, endangers the habitat of countless species and has had a very negative impact on the image of plastics in society. The necessary and sensible use of plastics, for example in medical technology, is, on the other hand, receiving little public attention. A change in this view is hardly to be expected. In addition, a ban on disposable plastic products will apply from 3 July 2021 – not only in Germany, but throughout Europe. As a company, we are strongly committed to avoiding waste at an early stage, using resources more efficiently overall and advancing the issue of recycling management with optimized processes.

“Excellence in EPS Recycling Award” goes to Kurtz Ersa
Normally the “Excellence in EPS Recycling Award” is presented every year at the EPS EXPO plastics industry trade fair in Charleston, Southern California (USA). This year there was also a prize – Kurtz Ersa received an award in the category “Technology Innovations” for his revolutionary RF technology. Although there was no award ceremony due to Corona, the joy about the award is still huge. Because it shows that Kurtz is a role model in this field and incorporates megatrends such as water and energy saving.
RF makes the welding of particle foams without steam a reality, recycled EPS as well as high temperature resistant particle foams with welding temperatures up to 250 °C can be processed with the Kurtz WAVE FOAMER. Already now the RF process achieves an EPS recycling rate of more than 70%. In the future it will also be possible to process technical plastics and biodegradable materials. The award of the EPS Industry Alliance honours outstanding achievements and innovative processes in foam recycling. We are delighted about the recycling award and will do everything in our power to make the process available for other materials as quickly as possible.
Strategic realignment in relevant markets
As a result of all the above-mentioned influences, the real market for Kurtz GmbH, which has existed up to now, has developed strongly downwards. For this reason, Kurtz GmbH is strategically re-orienting itself to future megatrends in relevant markets – for the plastics sector, the focus is on circular economy, recycling and biodegradable materials; for the automotive sector, the focus is primarily on lightweight construction. Huge opportunities are opening up in the areas of CO2 reduction, recycling or water conservation. This means both an optimization of processes in production, sales and development for existing customers and sustainable investment in technologies that will ensure a successful future in the long term.
The revolutionary Kurtz RF technology (“RF” short for radio frequency), which enables perfect core welding of particle foams from the inside to the outside using electromagnetic waves and which eliminates the need for complex media installations, is of the utmost importance here. In combination with the WAVE FOAMER, no steam generation system or cooling tower installation is required. High temperature resistant particle foams with welding temperatures of up to 250 °C can be processed.
Using RF technology, we achieve a recycling rate of 100% for EPS, for example. In addition, water, the most important resource, is conserved during the processing with up to 100% steam and water savings. RF makes a further contribution to climate protection by reducing greenhouse emissions and energy consumption: The RF process saves 70% CO2 and 90% energy. The RF technology is Kurtz´ contribution to climate protection.
Crucial megatrends …
… in the plastics sector:
| … in the automotive sector: