Kurtz Ersa Magazine

Kurtz Ersa and Corona

Fast and targeted against Corona!

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been keeping the world on tenterhooks for a good nine months now. During this time, many measures have been taken by the Kurtz Ersa Group to protect its employees and to maintain its ability to function and deliver. Time for a short review of the steps taken so far.

Shortly after it had to be assumed that this time the situation would not be as mild as it was with the swine flu in 2009, the first internal emergency plans were launched. A crisis team – the Corona crisis team – was convened for the first time on 18.03.2020 with the involvement of the works council. The first measures were decided and implemented promptly. As part of the crisis team, the Group Works Council Joachim Kraft recently remarked: “In all cases, the opinion of the Works Council was always sought and not only followed with interest, but also implemented. For example, the early suggestion to get mouth-nose protection masks for the workforce ...”


The result of the crisis team´s work was that many political decisions were clearly anticipated. It was not until April 16, 2020 that the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BAMS) issued the binding SARS-CoV-2 occupational safety standard with a corresponding catalog of measures. At that time, almost all of these measures had already been implemented within the Kurtz Ersa Group, which speaks for the effectiveness and speed of the crisis team.

It should also be noted, however, that all measures will remain ineffective if the workforce does not cooperate. It is only thanks to the disciplined and consistent behavior of all concerned that Kurtz Ersa has got off lightly so far. It is to be hoped that the “lockdown light” recently adopted by the government will help to get the infection figures under control again. It is also clear, however, that a return to normality will only be possible once a vaccine is available on a mass scale.



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