Kurtz Ersa Magazine

Ersa Technology Days

Technologies for the future of electronics production

Technology Day in Austria

Which technologies will be particularly significant in electronics production in the future and how can companies prepare for them now? This was the central question of the Technology Day organized by Ersa together with its Austrian industrial representative Stepan GmbH in Linz at the end of September. In various contributions, Ersa presented its solutions for power electronics requirements and applications such as 5G, e-mobility, LED lighting or high-current technology – in addition to void-free vacuum soldering and highly flexible selective soldering, also possible uses of press-fit technology for high-current applications as well as normal connectors.

The opportunities opened up by the use of additive manufacturing, another subdivision of the Kurtz Ersa Group, were demonstrated by Product Manager Automotive Clemens Frenzel. Metallic 3D printing can be used to produce the most complex structures with the greatest geometric freedom and using numerous metal materials without the need for tools. The program was complemented by the presentation “Nitrogen Systems 5.0” by Inmatec Gase Technologie GmbH. Ersa General Sales Manager Rainer Kraus thanked the long-standing partner for the first-class organization and is already looking forward to the continuation of the event series with his team.

Buna ziua din România – Tech Days in Timisoara

Romania´s third largest city, which is also home to the headquarters of long-time Ersa partner EEE SA, hosted the “Seminar of Technology in Electronics” on September 21 and 22. The 120 participants were looking forward to top-class lectures and exciting hands-on sessions covering all process steps of electronics manufacturing.

Ersa dived into the world of soldering together with them – from selective, wave and reflow soldering machines to automation solutions and rework systems to modern and efficient soldering stations, questions about various configuration options were answered in detail in personal discussions directly at the equipment. Besides a VERSAFLOW 4/55 selective soldering system, two rework systems as well as a fully equipped manual soldering workstation around the i-CON VARIO 4 station were present. The participating business partners Fritsch, Linde, Schnaidt and Tamura Elsold rounded off the successful event with their contributions.


Technology Days at the Romanian partner EEE SA in Timisoara
Technology Days at the Romanian partner EEE SA in Timisoara

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